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Blog Articles
- How to choose the right singles event
- Men and Money
- Jay gets a manicure
- When you are not interested....
- Body Hair- What do you think?
- Guys, please don't act like this
- Cuddle Party- What do you think?
- Guys, pretend you are talking to a friend
- Is he serious about you?
- Men that cry
- Rejection101
- Lipstick at the table
- Developing Inner game for men
- Why men get close and then pull away after sex
- Approaching Women and Starting Conversations
- The secret cause of distance in relationships
- Your image and the first impression
- What if he is afraid of a relationship
- How to find your soul mate
- Nice Guy or Bad Boy-Who to love
- How Guys Should act at Speed Dating
- Pick up lines for men
- Getting him to Commit
- Why Nice Guys Finish Last
- Googling your date?
- June Love Horoscopes
- Creating attraction with a man
- don't want a nice guy
- 10 mistakes women make with men
- Why Men Withdraw and What to do
- 5 ways to connect with a woman
- Using the Magic of Intuition with Men
- How do you know if someone likes you?
- May 2008 Love Horoscopes
- Guys who get manicures
- I like the other gal
- What to ask at a speed dating event?
- Dating Resource Guide
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- Ugly Men and Hot Women
- What women look for in a man.
- Ut oh, he is married!
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- Why Men are Happier people
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- 5 things women shouldn't say to men
- February 2008 Love Horoscopes
- Signs that your date is not the one
- Struggling from a break up?
- 12 Tips for Great Romance
- The Breakup Test
- Being Single doesn't mean you are failing
- Two Women for One Man
- Two Women, One Man- Part II
- Millionaire Matchmaker
- The Bronx Tale Test
- The truth about approaching women
- What it means when a man doesn't call
- Women want guys to approach them
- What if your intuition with men is wrong?
- My conversation with Melissa
- Wanna meet more people?
- Why some guys stay single
- Guys with Bad Breathe
- November 2008 Love Horoscopes.
- Fashion Mistakes for men
- Does your new romance have a future
- October 2008 Love Horoscopes
- Why Successful Women Fail with Men
- What makes a man fall in love?
- How Interested is a man??
- First Impressions that Make Men Want more
- What women find attractive
- Why men leave after the honeymoon is over
- Age Groups- Oh, Ut, I made a mistake
- Are you dating with Pizzaz?
- How to get a girl and how to keep her
- Flaking
- Why bad kissers don't get to 2nd base
- December 07 Horoscopes
- Truths Women should know
- Men vs. Women - Part 2
- Men vs. Women - Part 1
- Online dating- 5 things to avoid
- How to communicate with a man
- Old Man, Young Lady
- Power words in dating
- Rules of Attraction
- How men drive women crazy
- Interpreting Female/Male Phrases
- Cat Calls
- What does the word Friend mean?
- Tips on How to Make a "Clean Break"
- Some no no's for guys
- Astrology and Relationships
- Breaking up by text or email
- If a guy does something you do not understand, blame it on his brain
- Rich guys and hot women
- Too much, Too Soon, Too Fast
- Walk around naked
- Nice guy or bad boy, what do women want?
- The Kiss Test
- Top Mistakes made by men with respect to dating
- Understanding Women - Part 1
- Understanding Women - Part 2
- Pick up Artists do exist
- Does age matter with respect to dating?
- White Tube Socks and Black Shoes
- Cougar Hunting
- I Will call you soon
- Turn on, Turn Off
- Older women, Younger Men
- How to choose the right singles event
- What women look for in
- Personal ads.
- Why men dont get responses from Personal Ads