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A Long Island Love Story
After work mingle
Best Dating service on Long Island
Best of LI 1/2012
Building trust- 3 steps
Ghosting in Dating: Unraveling its Impact on Long Island Singles
Long Island Press - 1/10
Manhattan dating and how to handle rejection
Meeting people in the big Apple NYC
Mutual Ghosting- Why does it happen
My Nephew Jax promoting Weekenddating.com
Red Flags to watch out for in dating
Registering for a WeekendDating.com event.
Singles and Speed Dating- a setback creates a comeback
Speed Friending NYC- Expand your social circle
Tips for how to heal after a break up
Title: The Top Mistakes Men Make at Speed Dating Events: Insights from a NYC Dating Expert
Top Traits Women Desire in Long-Term Partners: A Guide for Long Island Singles
Why Speed Dating in Weschester NY

Blog Articles
How to choose the right singles event
Men and Money
Jay gets a manicure
When you are not interested....
Body Hair- What do you think?
Guys, please don't act like this
Cuddle Party- What do you think?
Guys, pretend you are talking to a friend
Is he serious about you?
Men that cry
Lipstick at the table
Developing Inner game for men
Why men get close and then pull away after sex
Approaching Women and Starting Conversations
The secret cause of distance in relationships
Your image and the first impression
What if he is afraid of a relationship
How to find your soul mate
Nice Guy or Bad Boy-Who to love
How Guys Should act at Speed Dating
Pick up lines for men
Getting him to Commit
Why Nice Guys Finish Last
Googling your date?
June Love Horoscopes
Creating attraction with a man
don't want a nice guy
10 mistakes women make with men
Why Men Withdraw and What to do
5 ways to connect with a woman
Using the Magic of Intuition with Men
How do you know if someone likes you?
May 2008 Love Horoscopes
Guys who get manicures
I like the other gal
What to ask at a speed dating event?
Dating Resource Guide
Separated vs. Divorced
Ugly Men and Hot Women
What women look for in a man.
Ut oh, he is married!
The Governor and the Scandal
Singles Casino night
Financial Advice/Planning Issues for Singles
Jones Beach Concert Series
March 2008 Romance Horoscopes
G String and the Gym
What Men are trying to say
Why Men are Happier people
Sugar Mamma's & Boy Toys
5 things women shouldn't say to men
February 2008 Love Horoscopes
Signs that your date is not the one
Struggling from a break up?
12 Tips for Great Romance
The Breakup Test
Being Single doesn't mean you are failing
Two Women for One Man
Two Women, One Man- Part II
Millionaire Matchmaker
The Bronx Tale Test
The truth about approaching women
What it means when a man doesn't call
Women want guys to approach them
What if your intuition with men is wrong?
My conversation with Melissa
Wanna meet more people?
Why some guys stay single
Guys with Bad Breathe
November 2008 Love Horoscopes.
Fashion Mistakes for men
Does your new romance have a future
October 2008 Love Horoscopes
Why Successful Women Fail with Men
What makes a man fall in love?
How Interested is a man??
First Impressions that Make Men Want more
What women find attractive
Why men leave after the honeymoon is over
Age Groups- Oh, Ut, I made a mistake
Are you dating with Pizzaz?
How to get a girl and how to keep her
Why bad kissers don't get to 2nd base
December 07 Horoscopes
Truths Women should know
Men vs. Women - Part 2
Men vs. Women - Part 1
Online dating- 5 things to avoid
How to communicate with a man
Old Man, Young Lady
Power words in dating
Rules of Attraction
How men drive women crazy
Interpreting Female/Male Phrases
Cat Calls 
What does the word Friend mean?
Tips on How to Make a "Clean Break"
Some no no's for guys
Astrology and Relationships
Breaking up by text or email
If a guy does something you do not understand, blame it on his brain
Rich guys and hot women
Too much, Too Soon, Too Fast
Walk around naked
Nice guy or bad boy, what do women want?
The Kiss Test
Top Mistakes made by men with respect to dating
Understanding Women - Part 1
Understanding Women - Part 2
Pick up Artists do exist
Does age matter with respect to dating?
White Tube Socks and Black Shoes
Cougar Hunting
I Will call you soon
Turn on, Turn Off
Older women, Younger Men
How to choose the right singles event
What women look for in
Personal ads.
Why men dont get responses from Personal Ads

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