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Speed Dating and more: Success Stories

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We know of at least 85 marriages and several other couples who are very happy together. If you have a story to share, please email us at Info@Weekenddating.com

Heather and Joe- Long Island Spee dating success story

This happy couple met at one of our events in 2003 and have been happily married for more than 16 years. Congrats to Heather and Joe for being our first ever success story

Received 3/20/2025
Z: Hey Jay, Im not sure if you remember me. I went to a few of your Jewish Weekend Dating Events. I just wanted to let you know that you had an event last year that I attended and met the girl of my dreams. I was wondering if you were available to meet for a coffee or something in the coming days.
Jay: Of course I remember you! had no idea.. so happy to hear this!!!
Jay: My schedule is is a little crazy sometimes.. I live in bayside, where are you?
Z: And i know things are hectic but is there anyway youd be able to meet sometime tomorrow?
Jay: is something wrong.. sounds like you are sharing some very good news. Whats up that its so time sensitive.. just want to get an idea of whats up
Z: We are getting married on Sunday and wanted to invite you.
Jay: Omg thats amazing!!! Im working Sunday and I dont have a date, otherwise I would go. So happy to hear. If you want to meet up tomorrow, Ill make the time.
Jay Thinking to himself: what the heck is going on? Is he going to try and sell me a time.share or something?
So i meet Z for lunch and he's telling me about how they met, what they have been up to and how happy they are. Next he pulls out an envelope and says we want you to have this.
I reach for my wallet.and said I wanted to give you a wedding gift and wrote a check for $100. He says i don't need to as they wanted to thank me. I made him take the check.
The envelope he gave me is pretty thick. They had met at one of my Jewish events they met at Nosh in NYC. He said his wife to be is a little more religious and there is something called shadchin gelt and it's considered a good omen to give it to the person that introduced them.
We chat some more and he leaves and i go hime and open up the envelope. Almost fell off my chair. Not going to disclose exactly what it was, but lets just say I was shocked!!
I honestly did remember Z. I remember he had come several times and there were times that it was very frustrating , where he would get matches and no reply. Or people would pick him that he wasnt interested in. He stayed with it and kept putting himself out there. It only takes one! This was a nice wake up call for me from a sluggish week and a great reminder about how the events change lives. Hope you will be the next success story!

Another text from his Fiancee
Hi Jay, it's Sarah here, Zs fiancee. Just want to personally thank you for all your efforts into putting together single events! I'm 38 years old and finally found the one, all thanks to you. There's really no way to adequately express my appreciation, but I'm so grateful for the way you've changed my life! Hope you continue to change others' lives and your own as well! Thanks again!

Couples Reunion Long island singles meet at speed dating 


This picture and video was from our 2023 couples reunion event where
I got the fantastic chance to reconnect with everyone in the pic.  All of
these couples got married through attending a WeekendDating.com

Hi Jay, your April 20th event was a success for me, and I am happy
to tell you that I am no longer single ?? Your event allowed me to
meet the most amazing man and I couldn't be happier. So, thank 
you so much for doing what you do, because it truly does work!
Hope you have a great day!

 Carl and his significant other- Long Island NY Singles Story

Hello Jay,

You might not remember me but my name is Carl and I use to go to a few of your
speed dating events in Nassau. I just wanted to let you know that today I am
celebrating my three year anniversary of meeting her but not only that, on July 29th
I became engaged to this wonderful woman I met at your event. I am so lucky to have
met her and want to thank you for setting up these speed dating events for the
opportunity to find someone special. I hope you are doing well and that you keep on
organizing these wonderful events. All the best.



love hearts

Good morning Jay,

I hope you are doing well!!!

Its exactly three years later and this email is long overdue! 

Wanted you to know that night changed our lives forever! Daniel and I both said

Yes to each other and have been together ever since!!!

We got engaged on May 22, 2019 and married on November 9, 2019.

We will always be grateful to you for bringing us together. ??

Glad to see you are still holding events during these uncertain times!  Keep up the good work! ??

We wish you nothing but the best!



P.S. We go back to Vintage 25 every year on March 10th and have a drink to celebrate! 

Love Hearts

Scott and Senica- NYC Spee dating success storyScott and Senica pic 2Scott and Senica happily in love

3/10/21:  Congrats to Scott and Senica who just got engaged this weekend! 
They met years ago at my speed dating event Mustang Harry's NYC in New York City!  
Its so awesome when i find out about these!

Bill and Gloria-Nassau County Spee dating success story in New York City

Hi Jay,  Wanted to share one of our wedding pictures with you- Feb 1, 2020 we said I do. ??
If it wasn’t for Weekend Dating, we probably would not have ever met.
Thank you- from Bill and Gloria Hanley

Finding love in NYC 

November 23, 2019

I was running a Friendly Feud (not for singles only) at the Stamford Marriott
and had a few special guests who signed up.... Mike and Marilyn.
Mike and Marilyn met at one of my speed dating events at this same location
in 2017and had just gotten married in September 2019.  They came back to
where it all happened to have some fun playing friendly feud and brought friends
and family! 

Stamford Speed DatingCT Speed Dating


October 2019 

Nick and Robyn Heather and Joe- Long Island Spee dating success story









Congrats to Nick and Robyn who met at our speed dating event at the
Huntington Hilton and are now happily married! 

findng love hearts in long island
August 4, 2019

 carl and Jasmine find love at Weekenddating

Hey Jay,  I don't know if you remember me but my 
name is Carl and one year ago today, I attended one of your
speed dating events at Foxhollow and met Jasmine. I just wanted
to let you know that we are celebrating our 1 year anniversary of
meeting each other and are still going strong. I am very happy that
I found her after some many attempts and finding the one. I know
you like success stories so I just wanted to let you know of this one.
Thank you for hosting these events which provide an outlet for people
to meet who otherwise wouldn't.  Sincerely,  Carl   

finding love hearts in ny

August 6, 2019 

Hi Jay,  My wife, Liliam and I met at a speed dating event that you organized in 2009. After the event, we lost contact with each other. In 2013, we reconnected through mutual friends. We have been married since 2016 and have a 2-year-old son.  I would like to thank you for creating opportunities for singles to connect with each other.  -Nelson   


Mark and Lisa!  Happily married

Date: June 18, 2019.  Just received the above awesome facebook message!  I still remember when they met.  It was at Brennans in Hauppauge.  I am so happy and blessed to have been able to keep in touch with them and know they are still doing well!


Lance and Theresa met at our Northern Lights, Stamford Mariott event and got engaged in February 2017.  Watch this!

hearts and love

Christian and Leshelle long island singles success story

Here is why I do one way matches. Christian and Leshelle married in 2007 (I think, lol) All of these years later, they are still happily married and have two beautiful children. Shushh, but originally Christian did not pick Lehselle. Watch the video on what happened (video taken in 2009) athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rl-CfCtvpg&t=1s 


rob and Tracey

Hello Jay and Company!!!
I know you keep track of your "success stories" (engagements and weddings, happy couples, etc). I thought I would tell you that you can add another engagement to your list!
Rob and I met almost 3 years ago at one of your Suffolk speed dating events. I had been to approximately 5 other events prior spread out over a couple years and always had more luck with speed dating than I had online. Rob had never been to one (he got lucky his first time out lol). Anyway, a married couple who had also met speed dating was running the event that night. It was a lot of fun as always. Rob said he drove by the place several times as his friend who was supposed to go that night too cancelled and he was thinking of backing out. I am so glad he didn't!!! 

We hit it off right away (although I did not hear from him afterward even though we matched and I broke my rule and contacted him first after about a month lol). As soon as we got in touch we went out that weekend and have been together ever since. Last month he proposed on the bow bridge in Central Park and we are planning a June wedding at one of the wineries out east where he lives (and where I will be living next year too). We couldn't be happier or more in love and we have you to thank for it. Tell others they can learn from us-you might get lucky your first time out like Rob but it could also take a few tries like for me smile emoticon WELL WORTH IT


more hearts

August 2015  Dear Jay,  I attended my first speed dating night in May 29th in Melville. Before the event started, I spotted this person who I was attracted to, but did not know if he was there for the event or not. It turns out he was there for speed dating too. He was the second person I spoke to and we just hit it off. We stayed after it was over and chatted for a while. We then left together and went to a place to hear music. He asked me out the next night and we have been going out ever since. We have so much in common. We are both widowed and have many of the same interests. I have had a fantastic summer doing many special things with him. We have gone away together twice and enjoyed every minute. We do not analyze anything but just enjoy the time we have together. Things look very positive for us as our relationship moves forward. I will say that we are both very happy. Thank you so much.  Sincerely,  Lindsay

even more hearts

 Hi , 
Just wanted to let you know that exactly a year after I met John  (he was actually waitlisted) at your event we got engaged. We will be married next June. I've been telling anyone who asked that they should definitely try weekend dating and that I thought the people at your event were nicer, more down to earth people than the people you meet at speed dating events in the city.   

All the best, 

Singles events long island hearts

jackie and Chris

 Don't leave, at least stay and have something to eat.
Never could I have imagined that these special 10 words was going to change two people's lives forever.  One of my favorite motivational speeches is by Al Pacino in the movie Any Given Sunday.
"You find out life's this game of inches, so is football. Because in either game - life or football - the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us." 

Lets rewind exactly one year ago from this past Sunday to August 10, 2013.  I was hosting a singles BBQ in Bethpage.  This was Jackie's  first ever event.  The BBQ's are a lot of fun and are very informal.  At this particular event the ages was skewing a little "older."   Jackie hung out for a bit and then let me know that she was going to leave.  I could tell that she was keeping a brave face, but the guys were a little bit too old for her.  Then I said those magical 10 words.  "Don't leave, at least stay and have something to eat."  I let her know the food was coming out shortly and she agreed to stay for a bit.   

I called Omar (who was closer to Jackie's age and had expressed some possible interest in attending the BBQ) and told him that we had some cute younger women in attendance and he should come down and register.  Omar said that he was with Chris and that they were going to the city but would try to stop by on the way.  Thankfully they did because as the story goes...The rest was history. 

Lets fast forward to this past Sunday, August 10th, 2014.  It was an honor to have been invited back to the place where it all began.

at their engagement

Chris proposed to Jackie and she accepted!!
It really made me think about that Al Pacino speech.  What if Jackie had left early and not stayed for the food?  What if Omar and Chris decided to skip the BBQ and go straight to the city?  "One half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us." 

I will keep this story in mind the next time I want to leave someplace early or decide that I really do not want to do something.. You just never know how not missing that experience could have a tremendous impact on your life.

Congrats to the engaged couple!

Update:  2016-  Jackie and Chris got married
Update: 2024- Jackie and Chris are happily together and just had their secod child.



love long island
Theresa and George

Hi Jay  As the Daughtry song says, "you never know when you're gonna meet someone and your whole wide world in a moment comes undone." That moment came for me on October 29, 2010 when I met a wonderful man at your event at 34 New Street in Huntington.  We went on our first date about a week later and have been inseparable ever since. It truly was "the start of something good."  Thank you for providing the avenue for us to meet and for the laughter we share each day.  Theresa & George  

 love long island 

 They fell in love!

 love and more

 Congrats to Brian and Suzanne!!  They met December 2011 at our 841 East Lounge Speed Dating event in Huntington!
"It was an interesting night; the chemistry between us was undeniable, magical, a bolt of lightning. The rest is as they say history.  We are engaged now and are in the process of moving in together. We couldnt be happier. 
 Thanks for getting us together.
 Brian "
 dating on long island

bill and simone

Jay, just wanted to thank you! Bill  and I just got engaged! We met at one of your events at 34 New Street in Huntington. Wedding date set for May this year! Thanks a million! You changed our lives!!

Update: We are now married!!!

Update:  8/15/14

Things usually come in threes.. This is the second great bit of news in just a few days.. So who is next??
A JEWISH SALSA DANCER! That's what Simone  told me that she wanted. I said.. "YOU ARE CRAZY, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN." Well as the saying in lotto goes... You never know.. Simone met Bill  at our 34 New Street event in Huntington and have been happily married for years! They JUST HAD THEIR FIRST LITTLE GIRL!! CONGRATS TO THE AWESOME COUPLE!
Bill and Simone and Skylar

 NYC spee dating events

 Hi Jay,

In case you would like to add to your success stories, Dennis Acar and I got married in 2012 and we just had twins in 2013 ( a boy - Shane and a girl - Sofia).  Thanks to your weekend dating service our dreams have now come true!!!  We thank you immensely JJJ

I hope all is well by you!!


On November 2, 2009, I had the pleasure of reuniting with nine couples whose lives have changed forever.  I took them to dinner at Allettos in Lindenhurst. If I had any doubt about the true purpose of WeekendDating.com, those doubts were put to rest.  The event went so great,  that a couples reunion will be planned once or twice a year.


On November 2, 2009, I had the pleasure of reuniting with nine couples whose lives have changed forever.  I took them to dinner at  Allettos in Lindenhurst .  If I had any doubt about the true purpose of WeekendDating.com, those doubts were put to rest.  The event went so great,  that a couples reunion will be planned once or twice a year.


Doug and Barbara!

Gina and Ira- Suffolk County speed dating success

Married June 2011

Does speed dating work?

Jay, hello to you!  I attended an event at Katies (Smithtown) in November of 2006 where I met my (now) fiance.  I wrote you in 2007 to let you know that we were moving in together, now I would like to let you know that we are getting married.  We were engaged last October at Niagara Falls!  We will be married this coming October.  I thought you would want to know about another successful match!  Thanks for all of the good you do to help couples find each other.

Diane and Tom

Speed dating near long island

Peter and I are still dating since your event March 2008. We are now living together. We are wishing you happy Holidays and a very happy New Year.  
Thanks again

manhattan speed dating

Tom and Tracy!

 On Saturday, December 5th 2009, Tommy proposed at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.  It was the happiest night of my life.  And Jay, Tommy and I would never have met if it wasn't for your speed dating event on June 20, 2008 at Callahan's in East Meadow.  Due to the relaxed and fun atmosphere you create at your events, we were able to get to know each other without the awkwardness and anxiety usually associated with singles events.  Jay, Tommy has made all of my dreams come true.  He is the best thing to ever happen to me.  He is my knight in shining armor, the hero in the story of my life, the answer to all of my prayers.  I don't think I even knew happiness like this was even possible.  I know you are a businessman, but I like to think of you as a modern day Cupid.  Thank you for providing the means for our incredible future.  See you at the wedding :-)   
All the best,

more tom and tracy- long island singles find love

UPDATE July 2017-  Tom and Tracy have been married for many many years.  They just went to Bermuda and renewed their vows!

date me long island

 Hi Jay,
I just wanted to tell you that I attended one of your speed dating events about 4 years ago. I matched up with a really nice girl, and this past April we got married. Things are great, we have a house in Wantagh and are very happy.
I just wanted to say, thanks for doing the events, your doing great things. Your very appreciated.

dating on long island

 Hi Jay,
Just wanted to inform you that Anthony and I had met at your party at Cats Meow last year and we tied our knots 8/06.  I was just cautious about our names being displayed that was the reason that I delayed this information.
It's a grand service that you have been doing to the community at a very reasonable price.

God bless you.

love and more

 Dear Jay,
I just wanted to let you know that I met Jerry at one of your speed-dating events in March of 2005. We were engaged in February of 2006 and were just married in July.



Just want to say that I met someone special at your October 18 event at Sly Fox. (It was my 2nd event - I was supposed to be out of town, but you had one extra spot for women. You said, "Maybe it is meant to be"...and it's been pretty great these past nearly six months. Chris was totally there for me during the holidays, when my dad passed away in January, etc. Just wanted to let you know. I have been referring friends/acquaintances to weekenddating.com. 

hearts  Hey Jay,

Don't know if you remember me, we met a few times at the Cat's meow. You bought my baby g/f a pizza, she was the young blond hanging out at the bar. Anyway dear.... I've been meaning to tell ya that at the single thingy, last year, around this time, end of June, I met Gary. We have been dating now a year and are very much in luv. Just wanna say ty for having these speed dating events. He and I get along so well. Anyways I'll keep in touch. 

xoxo Lynn

brooklyn speed dating

Hi Jay,
I attended your speed dating event in September 2005 at the Salty Dog in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. I met Adam at the event and we've been together ever since. Thanks so much! 



Dear Jay-
Thanks to WeekendDating.com , I no longer need these mailings... In July,2003, I met Mr. Right... at your program... Conrad and I are now engaged... just thought that you would like to know...
Pat B

love and hearts


I would just like to say thank-you for what you do and to let you know that it looks like your speed dating has resulted in yet another engagement. I met Chris at Brunos May 2004. We dated a few weeks before we became exclusive. However after some outside influence we broke up after a year. Seven months later we got back together and today I am happy to tell you that we are engaged. We are so very happy and thought you would like to know. Thanks so much,

finding love in ny

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you (I truly would never be able to thank you enough) for creating that night that brought me such a wonderful person.
Sorry this is so long but I thought you would appreciate the feedback and if anyone ever gets discouraged (and God knows I had my moments) you can tell them about my story. Hopefully, this is only Chapter one of a very long book.
Thanks again,

love hearts

Hello. this letter is for jay. it is catherine, jen's friend. well nick and i are engaged and getting married 11/17/06. we went to the bruno's event, march 26. i almost left and he decided to go at the last minute. we talked about marriage about 4 months later and were engaged 5 months later. 
THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to meet. :)
hope all is well with you!!

online dating long island

hello jay,

well its official mark and i are engaged as of christmas eve! we owe our initial meeting on Friday June 18, 2004 at Brennan's to you! we couldn't be happier and wish you much success. 

lisa and mark

HI Jay. FYI. Dan and I who met at one of your events one year and ten months ago and a half are now getting married!



Hi Jay,
Thank you very much for telling me about that singles event. I been dating this wonderful guy for 2 months already. My friend was interested in attending your events, but I wasn't sure if you had the slightly younger age group like the one I attended. She is 30 years old and wants to meet someone from like age 27-35. I told her I met someone at the cats meow and maybe you would have one of these events again. I hope you have a great weekend and thanks again. 




Just want to drop you a note and holiday greetings. Lisa H and I met at one of your dating events in Brooklyn in April. It was the first for both of us. I am happy to report that we have since been married and have relocated to Pennsylvania. We just closed on a house and we are moving in tomorrow. We be happy to participate in a success story as we both feel so fortunate in meeting through your social.

Happy Holidays!

Joe L


 Hi Jay,

Just wanted to let you know that I attended the event at Jillians on February 12th and met a great guy. We have been dating ever since and I just wanted to thank you. You no longer have to send me the emails about upcoming events because I know this is "the one". Thanks again. 



 Hi Jay:

Just wanted to let you know that Joe and I got engaged last month. Both of us wanted to let you know we are thrilled that we met one another at Speed Dating and would highly recommend it to anyone!!!



Hi Jay!

Last fall I came to your Hauppauge speed dating and had a wonderful time and went on a few dates. It has been nearly 30 years since I have been single. From those dates I was able to build some dating experience and confidence in dating. I found this whole experience to be very positive. After dating several months and even more confident I was ready to try speed dating once again at your Farmingdale location just two months ago. I had even more fun and 1000% more confident and relaxed. I went on some more dates but was really interested in only two super ladies, it didn't take me long to realize my connection was with "Cookie" not her real name and we have been together ever since. Cookie and I really knew the very first night how special we were as a couple. What a great service you provide and professional way you run your service. Thanks so much. 



Dom and Monica

Dear Jay:

I want you to know .. it may sound korny but thank you for having your speeddating.. if not for you, I would not have such a wonderful boyfriend and I am very greatful for that.

Update:  Monica and Dom married on February 15, 2009 and have two beautiful children!When they met for the first time at our speed dating event.. .they DID NOT pick each other.  They met again at a subsequent event and the rest was history!




Hi. It's Barbara, the first speed dating ticket winner. Well, it's still early but I thought you would appreciate the feedback and the story. I went to the second night, largely to meet up with your friend Dave and because I won the ticket. I took the winning of the ticket as a sign. My mom died when I was little and she has been giving me signs all along. Well, turns out one of my matches and I really hit it off. 



The first time I tried speed dating, I approached it with expectations of having fun ... I didn't expect anything to come out of it. Imagine my surprise when something actually did! Of the six matches I had that night, I met with three about one week after you introduced us. Bachelor #1 didn't appeal to me and Bachelor #3 made me feel as if were at the dentist. However, Bachelor #2 made quite an impression. John (#61) and I met at 2 PM on a Sunday afternoon for coffee. We immediately started talking and at about 5 PM I asked him if he wanted to get something to eat because I was starving. We sat in the restaurant until 9 PM. We would've stayed longer, but I had to get up early for work Monday morning. After a seven hour first date, we both had an idea that something good was going to happen! That was almost two months ago and we've been inseparable ever since. Thank you for bringing two people together who probably wouldn't have met otherwise. 


long island speed dating

Jay, even though it is still early I really started to believe I would never meet someone who sees life through my eyes and is on so many of the same wavelengths as I am. We both are a bit ga-ga over each other. I have always said "Timing is everything" and apparently we were 14 years in the making. I am over the moon! My friends say I am walking and talking differently and co-workers who don't know me very well are saying that I look great:) 

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