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Nassau County Single Mingle


Male 25-49
Female 25-49

Date and Time
Sun, July 7, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Nutty Irishman (Farmingdale)
323 Main Street
Farmingdale, NY 11747
(View Map)

Singles events near me

Speed Dating and Social Events
Speed Dating and Social Events
Speed Dating and Social Events
Speed Dating and Social Events


The first 25 women can register for Free below.  Guys, Register HERE (First 25 men who have made a PRIOR PAID RESERVATION SINCE 2020 get Comp Admission- Email info@weekenddating.com for the discount code.

TWO ITEM MINIMUM PURCHASE PER PERSON required (food or drink).

Ok, I get it.  Typically the mingles skew at little more mature and you are looking for a chance to mingle with those closer to your age group.  For the first hour of our event (3:30-430 PM) only those ages 25-49 will be admitted and yes, we will check ID.  At 4:30 PM, the event will open to all ages. 

*3:30- 4:30 PM- We will have one ice breaker game to get you mingling and possibly a speed meets. 

*4:30-6 PM- Everyone will be welcome to stay as the party continues from 430-6 PM and take part in the details below:

Get ready for an exciting event filled with icebreaker games that will help you mingle with other fun-loving people! Weve got prize giveaways, a cash bar, and delicious food available for purchase. And if the weather is cooperating, well even make use of our outdoor patio for some added enjoyment. Men, Register HERE (First 25 men who have made
PRIOR PAID RES SINCE 2020 get Comp Admission- Email 4 the code

Male 25-49
Female 25-49

Date And Time
Sun, July 7, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Speed Dating and Social Events
Nutty Irishman (Farmingdale)
323 Main Street
Farmingdale, NY 11747
(View Map)


The first 25 women can register for Free below.  Guys, Register HERE (First 25 men who have made a PRIOR PAID RESERVATION SINCE 2020 get Comp Admission- Email info@weekenddating.com for the discount code.

TWO ITEM MINIMUM PURCHASE PER PERSON required (food or drink).

Ok, I get it.  Typically the mingles skew at little more mature and you are looking for a chance to mingle with those closer to your age group.  For the first hour of our event (3:30-430 PM) only those ages 25-49 will be admitted and yes, we will check ID.  At 4:30 PM, the event will open to all ages. 

*3:30- 4:30 PM- We will have one ice breaker game to get you mingling and possibly a speed meets. 

*4:30-6 PM- Everyone will be welcome to stay as the party continues from 430-6 PM and take part in the details below:

Get ready for an exciting event filled with icebreaker games that will help you mingle with other fun-loving people! Weve got prize giveaways, a cash bar, and delicious food available for purchase. And if the weather is cooperating, well even make use of our outdoor patio for some added enjoyment. Men, Register HERE (First 25 men who have made
PRIOR PAID RES SINCE 2020 get Comp Admission- Email 4 the code



(if on mailing list)
$0.00Female Reservation (first 30 women free)N/A


(if on mailing list)
$0.00Female Reservation (first 30 women free)N/A

speed dating near me Men event tickets
Speed Dating and Social Events Speed Dating and Social Events
Female Tickets Left: 8 Sold Out: Join Wait List
Female Tickets Left: 8
Speed Dating and Social Events
Sold Out: Join Wait List

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